Wednesday, July 10, 2013

June Lookback // July Goals

Alright. Confession time. June was absolutely horrible. I failed on all of my goals. It was very bad that I won't even look back. I don't want to. I just can't.

 Anywho, hopefully July will be lots better since I am actually good with training. Realizing that I will have to run two half marathons within a month of each other is really pushing me to train. I've been running throughout these first few days of July. Started out with two miles everyday and then today I kicked it up to three. Hopefully next week I can bring it up to four and so on throughout the weeks ahead. These are my main goals throughout July:

1. Stretch: I know this was one of my June goals, but I don't think I ever did it once and that's why I got calf cramps. I realized that I need to stretch before and after my runs, that way I am not begging to stretch during my runs once I get cramps. Had to learn that the hard way.

2. Eat better things for running: This is kind of the same as eating healthier, but I really want it to focus on my running. Such as eating bananas to help my calf cramps or drinking Gatorade to gain more electrolytes.

3. Run 5-6 miles: I really need to kick up the training. I am extremely behind and it's making me very nervous. I most likely won't be ready on race day, but it is crucial that I am running at LEAST 5 miles by the end of the month. It is definitely doable since I am running 3 miles right now.

So there you have it. My July goals. I'm hoping I can do a lot better than my June goals.

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." -Jim Rohn.

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