Sunday, April 21, 2013

Back On Track...Maybe

Happy Sunday! As some of you may know, I hurt may back about a month ago and couldn't run for about a week and a half. Well, right after that, I got really sick and was like that for about two and a half weeks. It was just one thing after another! So frustrating since I couldn't train. I just started training this past week and it was way harder than I thought it would be. I completely lost all of my stamina that I had stored up. On my first run I was nearing 1.5 miles and I was so exhausted and just wanted to stop. I felt horrible: physically and mentally. I kept thinking about that half marathon coming up and how I am just back to square one. So it's been pretty tough. Hopefully I can build back my stamina and continue building up my mileage. As for now, I am only running about 2 miles to try and get back on track.

My photo from the other day wasn't loading, so I used this picture from February which is pretty much the same as my pace now. Now, I just have to keep my goal in mind and keep running. Eventually, I will build my mileage and stamina, I just have to work for it. I hope everyone has an amazing day :)

QOTD: Have you ever been off track on your training? How did you get back on track? 

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